I felt angry the other day when I read about a young man who had done a very creative Eagle Scout project around tolerance and then was denied becoming an Eagle Scout because his sexual orientation is homosexual. This stuff makes me crazy mad. I love that we have such a great scouting program at Joyful Healer that includes so many kids in the community, but then I think about this policy of the Boy Scouts and how backward and homophobic it is, and I wonder.
Oh yea, then I remember that I am a United Methodist and my own denomination continues to be backward and homophobic. What is it that they say? -- "Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones." I have not left my denomination but have chosen to try to change it. I love the United Methodist Church and I love the Joyful Healer expression of it here in Humboldt County. But I don't want anyone to think that I agree with my denomination's intolerance of gays, lesbians, transgendered, and bisexual people.
There is a movement of United Methodists who are working for the full inclusion of all people in the church including the above mentioned sexual minorities. It is called the "Reconciling Network." Many United Methodist Congregations around the country have declared themselves "Reconciling Congregations." This means that they are openly welcoming of all people but especially gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgendered people. Why do they have to be so specific? Well because the UMC has been specific in it's exclusion.
I wonder if the Boy Scouts of America have a similar movement for change? I hope so. I wonder if the United Methodist Church of the Joyful Healer should declare itself a Reconciling Congregation? It involves a process of study, discussion, and a church vote. What do you think?