Monday, October 21, 2013


I’ve been thinking. Connection is what we long for in this time of profound dis-connect.

We are created for connection -- with the Source of all that is -- with each other -- with nature -- with self.

But everyone knows the weight of dis-connection. Some have called it the dark night of the soul -- the      stumbling through life dis-connected from who we think we should be, out of sinc with those we thought closest, behind a screen when redwoods and ocean are within view, not even sure of the
existence of the One in whom we live and move and have our being.

Dis-connection -- Some are born into it and only seem to get glimpses of the Divine intent.

The blessed or the lucky -- have been nursed on the Connection and have drunk deeply of its’ bliss -- but still we visit the dis-connected state -- the alone, unconscious, depressed, longing, grief-stricken ---- dis-connect.

Why can’t we stay where we belong? Why can’t we get where we are intended to be?

Is it not right here? Free gift? Fragmentation and dis-connect may seem to come more naturally.

But the Connection is a free gift for us to receive and trust and give ourselves to over and over and over. I choose connection -- community -- one loaf and one cup -- you -- me -- the One -- Holy
Mystery -- LOVE!


Chris Lehman for CA Senate

Lay Leader, band member, and co-chair of Joyful Healers’ Finance Team, Chris Lehman has announced his candidacy for the State Senate, 2nd District. I find this to be extremely exciting news as I know of nobody with more integrity, commitment, energy, and intellect. Chris is a lifelong Methodist, well anchored in his faith and its application to social and political issues. Chris’ wife, Danielle is also active at Joyful Healer and has used her passion for children and education to enrich our Joyworks program. Chris’ parents, Dave and Mary are also a part of our Joyful Healer family and serve as membership secretary and co-chair of the Finance team. Last but far from least we have Natalie, Lizzy, and soon a little brother.

The Lehman family will need our encouragement and prayers as they embark upon this rigorous and difficult journey. We at Joyful Healer have a wide variety of opinions on social issues and political views. Thanks be to God! We certainly don’t all agree on everything. But I think we can all agree that the Lehman family needs our prayers and encouragement. And we should always celebrate when anyone in our church family makes a new commitment to serve the common good in a new way.

Go Chris! We love you and pray God’s blessings upon you and your family.
Pastor Steve

Summer 2013

Summer is upon us and that means recreation -- re-creation and for many, time away. I look forward to our United Methodist Annual Conference held in Sacramento. Other Joyful Healers who will be going to conference with me are April Sousa, Hillarie Beyer, and Jason and Bethany Cseh. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we represent Joyful Healer at this meeting of United Methodists from all over northern California and Nevada.

I want to remind all of us that summer time is often a time that churches fall behind in their financial obligations. Last year that did not happen because whether you were in town or out of town you kept your commitment to Joyful Healer! With that and a great fund raiser (the fireworks booth), we got through the summer in pretty good shape last year. It is up to each of us. Remember what I said a couple of weeks ago -- you are not customers here. You are co-owners. So let’s help things run strong whether we are in town or away on vacation. And by the way, we are doing the firework booth again this summer and will need your help.

I found this little piece written by a young woman named Kim Harvey.  I share it with you:

Why I Give
It’s as simple as this -- I feel very blessed and believe that God is the source of my blessings. God has been a companion who has held my hand during troubled times and elevated me during times of joy. I am humbled by his gifts and will never be able to repay what I have gotten (and continue to receive) from God and my church family. At church I find a sense of community, spiritual health and growth, support and inner peace. The fabulous news is that God doesn’t ask or expect repayment. God gives his grace freely. I believe my contributions are a way to pay grace forward. I want others to experience what I have and if the church can thrive and grow, it creates a space where others may find their own sense of grace. I believe supporting outreach, community and spiritual health through my church is one of many ways I can Praise God from Whom all Blessings flow .

Summer Blessings to you all! Shalom,
