Monday, November 4, 2013


The Church of the Joyful Healer is participating in Readiness 360, a training and coaching program that we are engaging in. The four areas of focus are Spiritual Intensity, Missional Alignment, Cultural Openness, and Dynamic Relationships.

First we will be focusing on Spiritual Intensity. Here is how the report describes it:
All great Christian movements are intense spiritually, marked by a deep love for God and a surrendering to what God is seeking to do through human beings. It is critical that a spiritual fire burns within the hearts and souls of those leading and participating in the life of the church. Without personal passion for Christ, we lack an adequate source of spiritual energy for vital and   multiplying ministry.

Now read that bold print carefully and slowly once again. Language is tricky. When I first think of Spiritual Intensity, my mind goes in a whole bunch of directions. First of all, I am not a very intense person. Actually I am kind of “dude like” -- taking er easy. My father could be a pretty intense guy. That did not translate into a whole lot of fun sometimes. When I think of spiritual intensity, at first I think of tent revivals, tongue speakers, snake handlers, and pretty emotional stuff. You know -- intense.

I think if I had my way, I would rather speak of being spiritually centered or connected than spiritually intense. But this has more to do with my personality type than anything. Because when I read the description of spiritual intensity, I am not very uncomfortable. Who can argue with a deep love for God -- or personal passion for Christ -- or having a source of spiritual energy.

Using Joyful Healer Language aren’t we really talking about growing in our ability to --
Encourage each other on a spiritual journey to know God better, live kindly and healthily, and do something beautiful for God in our lives, our communities, and our world.

Let’s get stronger at what we are already good at.