Yes! The election cycle is over. I personally am relieved that Californians have passed prop 30. We are still in for hard financial times but I could not even think about the potential devastation to our public school system without its' passage,. As far as the re-election of President Obama, I am personally happy about this. Now, I know that our country is split almost right down the middle. There is a huge divide that is troubling. Pray for a spirit of tolerance and compassion and a understanding that we are all in this together.
I personally find President Obama to be intelligent, thoughtful, and a person of integrity. He values many of the things that I value --- tolerance, education, concern for the poor, care for the environment, access to health care for all, etc. I also know that his job is almost impossible and even with the best values and motives there are huge limits to what he can truely accomplish.
Politics is the art of compromise and working together, something that our nation is not particularly good at these days. No leader or group will usher in a golden age or the Kingdom of God. Faith communities guided by spirit and ancient wisdom must engage in the world and do everything we can to serve the common good and embody the best teachings of our faith. Spiritual communities should always be challenging nations to care for the least and to work for peace, no matter who is in office.
As the Hebrew prophet Micah reminds us --- we are called to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.